A female Russian doctor struggles against both imprisonment and the sadistic Nazi female Warden.
When red-headed Russian doctor Nathalie Baxova falls foul of the Nazis she finds herself imprisoned at Fort Stilberg, a luxury brothel for German top brass where the women are overseen by sadistic lesbian Officer Helga. Nathlaie's medical skills bring her to the attention of nice Nazi Lieutenant Erich Muller, who saves the lovely lady from becoming one of the establishment's "hostesses" by assigning her to the infirmary. Given the freedom of the chateau, Nathalie is able to carry out a secret mission to locate missing British undercover agent Ingrid. But with Helga bearing a grudge against both Erich and Nathalie the brave doctor must be extra careful to avoid suspicion.
- Original Release: 1978
- TRT: 104min
- Rting: R
- Format: Digital Download
- Color
- English
- Starring: Patrizia Gori, Jacqueline Laurent, Jack Taylor, Jacques Marbeuf, Rudy Lenoir, & Brigitte Lahaie
- Directed By: Alain Payet